This page is very raw right now and a work in progress and will updated a lot in the upcoming days, the goal right now is to get out content first, then refine it, presentation will be improved later.
You don’t understand any of these lists? Don’t worry, I will expand on everything soon.
Regular Lists
What does C number mean?
This means this list achieves X crystals in total, so C9 would be 9 crystals, and C27 achieve 27 crystals.
b1rdDF Maze C10 – v3 – 2024-06-14
This list does not use Turtle due to a bug that can cause the boss to stop attacking currently.
It also doesn’t use Anubis because of him being harder to play, the focus is ease of use. A more “pro” version that is harder to play will be released soon.
Missing strategy areas soon to be updated.
You destroy C2 on floor 1, and C1 on all following.
b1rdDF Early Titan Carry – C27 – v1 – 2024-06-17
Also works great for dual Titan players, 14min runs and below possible.
Great to get someone his first 3/6/9 clear rewards safe and easy and give them a glimpse of DF10.
The purpose if this list is to showcase the dungeon, Succubus ignore resist, Mender+Crow and other combos.
Player1: Assumption full Titan player with 1 set and disease on and combos with Maze weapons/rings
Player2: Maze gear player that only needs 2 sets (3B 2G 1P and 5R 1P).
Picks on player 2 optimized for EASE OF USE while still being fast, so no Anubis for example.
Sets, description, later.
Stage 3 runs poison and makes use of Succubus ignore resist.
Drop Lists
What is a drop list?
In a drop list both players quit after loading into a stage as they are only farming the rewards of the previous stages. This is done to optimize hourly scraps and gems income.
What does the DF number mean in context of drop lists?
This means both players quit after loading into the stage number. Example: b1rdDF5drop means both players quit the game after loading into stage 5.
2024-06-20 Patch
We used to be able to destroy crystal 3 on a stage and then leave the game right after and still get rewards for the full amount of crystals without actually killing the boss.
On 20.06.2024 Boombit patched this behavior, so now you have to kill the boss of a stage to get the crystal rewards of said stage. So no more breaking crystal 3 and then leaving.
I will leave the pre-patch drop lists on here until the update is forced as some people might choose not to update until they have to.
New Post patch drop lists will be posted soon, we are currently testing the new mob spawn changes.
b1rdDF3drop – Maze – C6 – Pro Version – v1 – 2024-06-21
This list works with 9K gs and a single set if you are really low budget, run 3B 2G 1P.
1: Orb 3B 2G 1P 2G XP/MS 1:1 / Anubis 4B 1G 1P | 2G XP/MS 1:1
2: Anubis 4B 1G 1P 2G XP/MS 1:1 / Orb 3B 2G 1P | 2G XP/MS 1:1
Strategy 1&2: Run to C3, Anubis attacks it, Orb clears mobs and protects Anubis. Once Anubis is safe, Orb destroys C1, then stacks the boss. Once Anubis has destroyed C3 he joins Orb and finishes the boss.
b1rdDF3drop – Maze – C6 – Apex Version – v1 – 2024-06-21
This version is much easier to execute but slower, run this if you have skill issue.
1: Apex 3W 1B 1G 1P / 2G 7P | Orb 3B 2G 1P | 2G XP/MS 1:1
2: Orb 3B 2G 1P / 2G XP/MS 1:1 | Apex 3W 1B 1G 1P/ 2G 7P
b1rdDF3drop – Maze – C6 – Hoplite Version – v1 – 2024-06-21
This version is much easier to execute but slower, run this if you have skill issue.
1: Hoplite 2B 2W 1G 1P / 2G 7P | Orb 3B 2G 1P | 2G XP/MS 1:1
2: Orb 3B 2G 1P / 2G XP/MS 1:1 | Hoplite 2B 2W 1G 1P/ 2G XP/MS 1:1
b1rdDF10drop – Solo – Early Titan – C27 – Pro Version – v1 – 2024-06-24
If you want to play alone and got your first Titan set with Maze connectors, this is the way to go.
Firefluff works well on 3 too, unsure about her performance on 8 yet.
Sets and strategy guide later.
DF10 clear list to follow, but might not going to be worth it for solos as you need to go much lower crystals to clear 10 alone.